Non-Linear (or Conversational) Presenting is the ability to adapt your message on the fly to cover the needs and questions of your prospects without having to resort to counting slides or juggling different decks.

The traditional ways to present (ie. Death by PowerPoint) are no longer valid and people do not consume information like that anymore.

Today, people (your prospects) find more value in talking to each other than in being talked at.

With Conversational Presenting we can present in a dozen different ways with one deck.

Making the most of this precious time together

Our stakeholders know a lot about us and what we do before we even enter the meeting room, pitching content that they already know is not a smart way to use their time (or yours.)

Instead of steamrolling our way through the meeting room with a PowerPoint, we could start by asking how to make the most of that time together. How about:

  • Thank you for giving me 20 minutes of your time, how can we make the most of it?
  • How can we create the most value for everyone in this room with these 20 minutes that we have?
  • What are your questions? How can I help you?

Collaboration moves the needle forward and builds trust

When we present in a linear way, we are pitching. We are the active speaker and our prospect is the passive listener.

Instead, when we present conversationally, our prospects are an active part of what’s going on, there is collaboration and then trust.

It is important to realize the power of interactions like this versus the classic slide deck pitch of who we are and what we do.

Spatial Cognition

Spatial Cognition is the ability to relate concepts to locations, and this is achieved with Prezi by the use of an open canvas and layers.

If we associate information with an image is easier for the brain to fix it. If we associate information to images AND locations, then the brain really gets it.

The Power of Stories (and today’s attention span levels.)

By using stories to explain ideas and concepts, we appeal to the part of our brain that pays attention because that is how we survived until today, by listening to precautionary or encouraging stories.

Smart Structures

By being able to manipulate entire sets of information in an easy way, we are able to personalize our presentations with ease, making them more relevant to specific situations, without the need to create new decks or having a dozen versions of the same deck.

Business Intelligence

We know how our audiences engage with our narrative and interact with our content, what works and what doesn’t by understanding how our audiences react to our message.

  • Who watched?
  • Which parts?
  • For how long?
  • How many times?
  • Who they invited to watch too?