Talking at BizBash Live New York 2019

I had the privilege to give a talk (have a conversation) with BizBash’s Guests at the BizBash Live New York 2019 Convention. A Big Shoutout and my gratitude to David Adler, BizBash’s CEO for having me. It was an incredible experience of plenty of learning. The workshop’s topic was How to Make Presentations That Get You What You Want!

Pablo Povarchik on How To Make Presentations That Get You What You Want at BizBash Live New York 2019

We discussed many things during the workshop, but the big takeaway was this:
The big story that you tell your prospect, the one you use to build their dream, is the one that you create using the stories they tell you.

Use the stories that your prospect tells you, to build their Dream.

We also discussed visual metaphor versus bullet points. By using spatial cognition and relatable images we get the message across much more effectively.

Consider this:

Versus this:

Visual Metaphor vs. Bullet Points

We also spoke about visual rules.

90% of the information that our brain retains comes through our visual channels.
Our eyes.

90% of the information that our brain retains comes through our visual channels. Our eyes.

Our brain processes visual metaphor so much faster than written data.

Our brain processes visual metaphor so much faster than written data.

We cannot read and listen at the same time.

We cannot read and listen at the same time.

On a daily basis, 80% of the information that we retain is visual vs 20% written.

On a daily basis, 80% of the information that we retain is visual vs 20% written.

Harvard says visual metaphor is 43% more persuasive.

In short, the brain works best with pictures and visual information than written data.

Because of lack of time, we didn’t talk about:

Linear and nonlinear presentation tools.

Neural coupling and optimizing meeting time. Have a conversation instead of presenting.

We briefly spoke about Nonlinear Presenting.

A Nonlinear Presentation’s Structure.

We didn’t get to play our interactive game with the audience, there wasn’t enough time.
You can take a stab at cracking it below.


This is the Prezi Presentation that we used during the workshop. Contact me to get a free copy. The game is at the very end.

A big Shoutout to Sarah Radford, Elizabeth Barry, Maricela Carrasquedo (biased proud husband talking,) Alex Perfall, and Joseph Olewitz for their incredible support. Betty’s indignation face was priceless. Alex charming as usual, he grabbed all the hearts on the table. I kept looking at Sarah Radford for a source of steadiness, she gives me willingness, not sure why. Joseph is an Oasis, get near him and you’ll feel calmer, safer, enjoy the moment. Mary Carrasquedo produced the whole thing, including me.

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