Custom Prezi Templates

This page is intended as a guide to Custom Prezi Templates and its goal is to help you save time and money when implementing Prezi in your organization.

A Custom Prezi Template is basically a Prezi presentation built in a way that simplifies the creation of new presentations and is aligned with your brand’s identity, and the presentation’s style and scope.

There is more to Prezi templates than just their visual reference. Depending on your process to build new presentations (who and how makes them) and how these presentations are delivered (in person or remotely, online or offline, linearly or conversationally,) the way your Prezi template is built will support or hinder your business processes and ultimately bring the results and ROI that you expect, or not.

Some examples

For a sales team that uses a lot of short explainer videos for every product (or feature or …) while presenting in a very dynamic, nonlinear way, a custom Prezi Template should include the structure that your salespeople can replicate to add new products easily.

If you mostly deliver linear presentations, using a template made for nonlinear presenting may result in a lot of screen movement through your talks, which will distract the audience instead of supporting your narrative.

It is possible to create amazing effects and construct complex workflows in Prezi that will open a new dimension in visual communication for your organization. However, as more complex is the design and structure of a Prezi presentation, the more complicated it is to manage and edit; your team can easily get frustrated trying to create and edit presentations without the proper training.

These above are three simplified random examples of how the template’s design and planning may impact your business processes and ROI. There is much more to it; I strongly encourage you to take the following thoughts into consideration when deciding your next steps.

Meetings Setup

Depending on whether your team presents linearly or nonlinearly, remotely or in person, the structure of your presentations will differ. If these details are taken into account when creating the custom Prezi template, building new presentations from it will be a much more efficient process.

Make a list of your presenting needs before talking with your custom Prezi template designer.

Past Experience

Are there particular, custom flows in your presentations that you need to preserve? This is also valid for information schemas; if there is a page on your actual deck that works well, keep it! (or use it as reference.)

What works and what doesn’t in your current presentations?

Don’t Overdo

Your project may include templates design, training on Prezi design and presenting with Prezi, training your salespeople on how to use Prezi Analytics and how to leverage the tool to optimize revenue generation. The agreement may also include additional support hours, licenses, and more.

However, I’ve seen only a handful (from hundreds) of Prezi implementations to be successful after full-blown deployments from the start, but I never saw a Prezi project fail if it was implemented one step at a time.

Start with a pilot and take it one step at a time.

Identify Your Prezi Champion

Like any other new technology, Prezi presents an adoption challenge, especially if you are working with medium- to large-size teams. Lack of training when adopting Prezi is the top 1 reason for failed Prezi implementations.

Make sure that you have at least one Prezi Champion in your team. If you don’t, hire us to make one for you.

Make Expectations Clear

Do you and your Prezi Designer have the same understanding of what is a Prezi template?

Have a conversation with your chosen Prezi Expert before they start working to make sure they understand your needs and expectations for a successful outcome.

What is a Prezi template? Is it just a canvas with your brand’s colors and fonts? Or is it a structure that supports your needs for nonlinearity, multimedia elements, or heavy in visual metaphor? The presentations that will be made with this template will be used linearly or conversationally?

Having an aligned vision about what you expect from the template is fundamental to a successful outcome that will bring ROI in the form of increased revenue and optimized processes.

Consider a Prezi Framework

A Prezi Framework helps your users to adopt and use Prezi comfortably and efficiently by creating the foundation bricks and knowledge to produce engaging, nonlinear, storytelling Prezi presentations for successful sales, funding, marketing, and HR conversations.

It is similar to an onboarding program, but with a specific scope or goal, for example, a Prezi Framework for your Sales Team.

A Prezi Framework may include custom templates design, scope-specific training, documentation, and instructions on how to manipulate the presentation. It may also include a consulting agreement to help your team during the initial learning curve.

Get Help

In my consulting business, wOw Prezi, my team and I help companies around the world with custom Prezi templates design that support their narrative and help them communicate better for increased ROI and efficiency.

Unfortunately, I can’t work with everybody who needs me, and I get to chose my adventures (read, clients), but I do have time to jump on a call to learn if working together makes sense and to give you honest advice on how to move forward if it doesn’t.

Get in touch; let’s find out.

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