Smart Content for Sales Presentations

Smart Content and Customizing your Sales Deck on the Fly

Hello to all my sisters and brothers in the sales profession out there.

Today is about the ability to easily personalize your deck for your next sales meeting.

PowerPoint has a book-like structure that runs page after page after page, and when we need to restructure the content, the job is to cut and paste parts of the presentation (which is also prone to errors) to make it relevant to each different prospect.

With Prezi and Smart Structures we can quickly manipualte our sales deck with ease, keeping things always organized and with less chance of presenting with outdated or missing information.

By taking advantage of the “Buckets of Information” concept, we can customize our Sales Deck for our next sales meeting with ease and keeping things always organized.

With Smart Structures, we can move around large sets of information, for example entire topics, within the presentation and across multiple decks by just dragging and dropping to create a different experience for every prospect and in every sales meeting.

If you feel that PowerPoint is leaving money on the table and that you and your team could be presenting in a more efficient and engaging way, let’s talk, we have solutions.

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